
Sep 2024

Incoming Treasurer of SASE club @UCSC

Jun 2023

Incoming AI/Data intern @Tech4Good

Nov 2023

Hired as SWE intern at County of Santa Cruz(Finished May 2023)

  • Redeveloped and redesigned 300+ web pages for 2 separate departments, merging them while handling Government documents, by utilizing technologies such as DotNetNuke, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Collaborated with department heades in weekly meetings to align website design with their vision
  • Created info pages for time sensitive issues

Made a web app for students to report issues on campus called SlugAlert

  • Featured on university's engineering newsletter
  • Hosts 50+ users, and created using Nextjs, JavaScript, React, TypeScript, NextAuth, and Google Maps API
  • Used PostgreSQL as database and Prisma as ORM Layer
Sep 2023

Started mentoring UCSC students through mentor network

  • Mentored 3 undergrad students, providing guidance on cs, academic, and career goals
  • Provided advice on coursework, internships, and strategies to build strong technical portfolios
Aug 2023

Made InTrade, a stock analysis chatbot using OpenAI's api, Vercel, and Python.

Feb 2023

Participated in first hackathon at CruzHacks, creating SlugNotes

SlugNotes acted as a web app where students could upload notes for classes and share with fellow classmates

Created front-end design
Made logo through Photoshop and Illustrator

Jan 2023

Collaborated with a team of UCSC students to develop a mobile app called "OnABudget" where students budget money and help plan events in SC for Google's annual solution challenge.(Finished April 2023*)

  • Built event search page using Flutter
  • Incorporated EventBrite's API to retrieve event details
  • Added text and price filters for user search
  • Cut wait time by 80% when searching for events by webscraping EventBrite's website
Dec 2022

Made first personal website

Aug 2021

Started first programming course @Cabrillo College, "Python Programming for Everyone"